Body Types

Importance of Knowing your Body Type for Weight Loss

Sixty-six percent of the people in the United States are obese or overweight, according to MedlinePlus. Not only does obesity lead to heart disease, but also increases your risk of diabetes, cancer and respiratory disease. Many people try to lose weight by counting calories and watching the foods they eat. However, new research is showing that your body type should determine what exercises and foods are most effective for you. There are four major glands in the human body, which include the pituitary, thyroid, adrenal and gonadal glands. Everyone has a dominant gland that determines their body shape, metabolism and personality, and that each body type requires a different type of diet and workout program.

The Apple Body Type
People who tend to store fat around the middle of the body while maintaining slim lower bodies are characterized as apples. The increased belly fat associated with apples carry great health risks, including increased risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. According to ABC News medical contributor, Dr. Marie Savard, the diet for people with the apple shape should include a higher amount of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. At the same time, the diet should limit carbohydrates to about 40 percent of caloric intake. The increased healthy fats have been shown to decrease risk of disease, while allowing the body to burn more fat. When you carry most of your weight around your middle and there is little difference between the size of your belly and the size of your hips, you're considered an apple body type. Apple body types are more prone to certain diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, thanks to a dangerous layer of fat that puts pressure on the organs and increases blood sugar. By dieting specifically for your body shape, you can protect your health and lose weight more efficiently. (see Waist size Signals Diabetes risks)

It is virtually impossible to spot-reduce one area of your body, particularly the belly. In eating a diet tailored toward an apple shape and working out for at least 30 minutes a day, you're likely to lose weight all over your body, not just your belly. Exercising only your midsection will not give you results. Instead, working to form healthier habits along with consuming less sugar and more fiber should allow you to experience a reduction in your waistline and your risks of developing life-threatening illnesses.

The Pear Body Type
The pear body types typically have smaller waists and larger hips and thighs. Pear shapes are generally at a lower risk of heart disease than apple shapes. Since your body burns fat around the waist first. Pear body types, with their larger lower bodies, generally have a more difficult time burring body fat. The pear body type diet should include higher amounts of complex carbohydrates, Fat consumption should be kept to a minimum. If you have a pear body shape, you have a smaller waist with larger hips and thighs. You carry your weight around your hips, making you smaller and slimmer on top. If you have a Pear shaped body you can eat to lose weight specifically in the hips and thighs, since the fat cells in your lower body attract and store differently than elsewhere in the body. By following a diet that is low in fat, you'll reduce the amount of fat stored in your hips and thighs while exercising to burn away the excess.

Pear Shaped Problems
When you carry weight in your hips and your thighs, you're more susceptible to problems like cellulite, osteoporosis, eating disorders and low self-esteem. As a pear-shaped woman, you may also have a harder time with the symptoms of menopause. Because the fat stored in your hips and thighs is simply magnetic for more fat, you'll gain weight more easily. You need to be especially careful about the foods you eat and your daily level of activity.

Before you head to the gym for sets of squats and lunges, you should know that you cannot spot-reduce to lose weight from your hips and thighs only. That's why a total body workout is so important. By taking the time to exercise your abs, arms, shoulders and chest, you'll get a well-rounded workout and burn calories. If you haven't exercised regularly for a while or already suffer from conditions like osteoporosis or varicose veins, talk to your doctor about starting an exercise plan.

The Chili Pepper Body Type
The chili pepper body's shoulders, waists and hips are generally the same size. While this body type is typically thin, when they gain weight it is in the belly region. This may increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes. A diet for this body type should include equal amounts of complex carbohydrates and lean proteins; they should also increase the amount of monounsaturated fats.

Thyroid Body Type
If you are a formerly slim person who has gained weight despite a high activity level, you might be a thyroid body type. Your thyroid gland sits at the base of your throat. It takes responsibility for controlling your metabolism. Thyroid body type is a thin person who eventually gains weight. Thyroid types are usually tall and slim, but they tend to crave sweets, starchy foods and caffeine. They gain weight in their stomach and thighs, but the rest of their body remains slender.

Many people envy the thyroid body type for their active thyroids and fast metabolisms, which allow them to eat whatever they want without weight gain. Their overindulgence catches up to them when they reach their 20s and 30s. An addiction to candy, starches, soda and coffee is their downfall. Thyroid body types suffer from thyroid overstimulation, which leads to a cycle of exhaustion and imbalance. Controlling sweet cravings at an early age may prevent future weight gain.

Controlling Fatigue
Thyroid body types have a seemingly high energy and endurance level, but they do experience fatigue. Instead of resting, the thyroid body type uses sweets or caffeine for quick energy bursts. Recognizing fatigue is the first step to controlling weight. Instead of running downstairs for a candy bar or an energy drink when you want to extend your two hour workout, go home and take a nap or get a massage. Thyroid body types tend to emphasize aerobic exercise, but do not perform adequate resistance training exercise. This body type should at a minimum do three weekly weight training workouts. The added muscle will rev up your metabolic rate and assist with weight loss.

Thyroid body types should cut down on what are called "thyroid stimulating foods," such as sugar, white flour and white rice. Stick to a high protein diet, In the beginning of the diet, eliminate fruit, since it contains too much thyroid stimulating sugar. Limit carbohydrate intake to whole grains, and completely eliminate caffeine.

Exercise for All Body Types
In addition to eating the recommended foods for your body type, exercise is also important to overall health. Regardless of your body type, exercise decreases the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Moderate to intense exercise for at least three sessions of cardiovascular exercise per week, each lasting a minimum of forty minutes is the minimum recommended for everyone. Moderate to intense exercise includes jogging, swimming, biking and tennis. 

Thank you.
John Cardinal

Copyright Healthy Weight Loss for Life 2012

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