July 2, 2012

What Your Weight Loss Program Should Be!

What a Professional Weight Loss Program Should Be.

Primary Concern Your Program Should Address

    If I was to write a book on the various reasons and causes  for someone being overweight or obese, it would take volumes.  Yet for all those story’s, every one valid, they would invariably all share one distinct detail. Poor Nutrition!

   The health problems caused by poor nutrition are too numerous to mention in this forum, and unfortunately those risks are multiplied if you are overweight. Proper nutrition has got to be the first step in any weight loss program, if it is not in yours, question it!

How to achieve proper Cellular Nutrition:
   The road to health through proper nutrition is surprisingly simple, provided you keep these three, very easy to understand, steps in mind.

1.       Consumption: You need to be taking in the proper balance of the following nutrients.
a.       Proteins
b.      Carbohydrates
c.       Amino Acids
d.      EFA,s (essential fatty acids)
e.      Vitamins
f.        Minerals
g.       Fiber
h.      Micro-Nutrients

2.       Absorption: This is an often over looked step in a Nutrition plan.. This may sound odd, but hear me out. One of the causes of poor nutrition is poor nutrition. Nutrients are absorbed into your body by cells in your intestines called Villi. Due to poor nutrition, stress, Yo-Yo dieting and even the common cold these villi cells will curl up, lay down or become covered with mucus. Your nutrition regimen needs to include compound nutrients that clean and restore these cells so you get the proper “Bang for Your Buck”.
3.       Activation: This is the easy step. When you are consuming and absorbing the proper nutrients something kind of wonderful happens.  Within days you start to notice more energy and you will tend to not stress over the little things in life. It can be truly euphoric!

Second Concern Your Program Needs to Address:
   My second choice in the list of books I would like to write would be “The Barriers to Weight Loss”. Although it may not contain as many volumes as the previously mentioned book, it would be daunting. Once an individual comes to the realization that their weight is in fact a problem, it is not always easy to “Get Started”.

  There are so many genuine detours to get in their way. Sometimes just the idea of reaching a target weight, and all the work that it may take, seems insurmountable. Sometimes it’s the shame or embarrassment they feel for letting things come to this. Sometimes it’s just complacency, "it’s been going on so long, and I guess it’s just better to just leave it alone". The downfall of these many barriers is that they often don’t show up until after starting a weight loss program. So how does a Professional Weight Loss Program combat this?

Professional Weight Loss Counseling:
   Even without all the psychological barriers associated with making a total transformation in one’s being, kick starting this journey can be a lot to deal with. The subject of Cellular Nutrition alone can give you migraines, let alone the topic of fitness and exercise. This is the responsibility of a Professional Weight Loss Coach. They will get you started on the right path, and explain the purpose and usages of various nutrients you will need to supplement in your diet. Moreover, your coach needs to be well aware of the barriers, pitfalls and setback that can come your way during this process. A good coach is accessible!  Losing weight is one of the most important life changing decisions a person will make, your coach needs to know and understand this. They need to be there for you when you need motivation, a shoulder, or just to share in the joy of hitting a milestone. If you have or are looking for a Weight Loss Consultant use these criteria as your guide line.

Feeling Part of a Community:
    The bond between Weight Loss Counselor and Client is very strong! They can become friendships that last forever. As important as that bond is, it is equally important to feel part of a group. To be connected to a community of like minded people all on the same quest in their lives is a wonderful thing. Belonging to a Facebook Group of supporters is a great thing and I highly recommend it, but there is something comforting about being in an on line community of people in different stages of the exact program you are using to reach your target weight. When someone shares a success, you know it is possible for you. Something special happens when a person in this type of group reaches out for support. People who know, or have gone through, what that person has flock around them for support. 

Last Major Concern Your Program Needs to Address
   It is important to realize that the overwhelming majority of overweight to obese people in this country, are middle class and below. Those in the greatest need of a Quality Weight Loss Programs simply can’t afford Them.So where do they go?

   Unfortunately there are hundreds of company’s out there filling this void. I call these the “One Pill Wonders”. You have all seen them, “Take just one pill a day and melt the pounds away”, “Clinically Proven”, “Doctor Approved”, “Guaranteed Results”. People; They just don’t work,  and some are dangerous and have killed people. The FDA has a web site set up so you can research these products to see if they found any dangerous side effects, but they will tell you that at the rate the market is being saturated with these drugs, it is impossible to keep up.

Some of The Options:
   There are an amazing number of Weight Loss Programs out there, but fortunately they fall in just a few categories. One, as I mentioned above, the “One Pill (or Shake) Wonders”. These aside from the dangers and downright impossible claims, are almost always accompanied by their “Exclusive fat burning work out routine”.  This exercise routine is usually so intense that most people give up. The sad truth is that for those precious few who do see results with this type of a program, did so because they had the tenacity to push through the pain, and would have seen pretty much the same results without the miraculous Pill or Shake. So you have a relitively in expensive program, with an incredibly high failure rate, that can seriously hurt you.

   Next we have the “Shipped to your door, prepared meals” weight loss plan. This type of plan will work, but the success rate is only about 50%. The main reasons for the low success rates are 1) The meals just do not meet the nutritional requirements for the individual. 2) It takes a very strong will to cut your portion sizes down to what these programs offer, and not have the hunger drive you nuts. You also have to remember that the meals cost far more than if you just bought the ingredients and portioned yourself. Of course if you have the money, and do not have that required intestinal fortitude, for a nominal fee you can have a personal Weight Loss Coach to help you through. The cost of these programs put them out of the reach of more people than you may think.

The category of Weight Loss Programs that I honestly admire the most is the “I’ll Do it On My Own” group. These are usually classified as type “A” personalities who got themselves into this mess and by heavens will get themselves out!  They are smart enough to realize that the  “One Pill or Shake” claims are hogwash, and  that spending that much money on prepared meals that they can make for a fraction of the cost, is a no brainer. I,  like the overwhelming majority of overweight people do not fit in this category. So what is the alternative?

Cost, or Nearly Cost, Neutral Weight Loss Programs:
   This type of program is the best of all worlds. You receive all natural Total Cellular Nutrition as well as nutritionally balanced meal replacement shakes to take the place of two meals a day. With these plans, because you are replacing two of your meals, the cost of the program can become cost neutral. Meaning, the cost of the program can be equal to, or slightly higher than your savings at the grocery store. Most importantly, the program should, at no extra fee, include Professional Coaching and access to an on line members community. If you have questions about this type of weight loss program, please leave me a comment, and I will get you some info.

Thank you.
John Cardinal

Copyright Healthy Weight Loss for Life 2012

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