June 24, 2012

3 Tips to Lose Weight, and Keep it Off!

3 Tips to Lose Weight, and Keep it Off!

1) Cardio Before Breakfast, Every Day - Sleep is your body's time to recover from the today,  and prepare for tomorrow. It is at this time that your body does many wonderful things, the most important of them being the production of HGH (human growth hormone). It uses this HGH to heal muscular damage, and promote the growth of new cells. This HGH continues flowing through your veins for about an hour after you wake up, so take advantage of it. When you get up drink a protein shake that will provide you with 15 grams of protein and go get in some cardio! This is called Fasting Cardio because as little as 15 minutes of cardio first thing in the morning is actually burning stored fat. Then go on to tip #2.

2) Two nutritious meal replacement shakes and one Sensible Meal, with Two Healthy Snacks Between them, and a 12 ounce Glass of Water with Each Meal - Water obviously hydrates you but works for skin elasticity too and your overall look. And in fueling your body, there are no shortcuts! There is no shortage of advertizements for weight loss products out there. Ensure you have the proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates, fiber and minerals needed to energize you through your day. That’s the secret. Once you have reached your desired weight, cut down to one meal replacement shake, and two Sensible meals and two healthy snacks to maintain your desired weight.

3) Lift Weights Three to Four Days Per Week - It’s really important for muscle tone and also for skin tone. Your work outs should last 50 minutes, and target different muscle groups on different days. Women tend to shy away from weights but it really does work.  You’re targeting things with a three-pronged approach of cardio, weights and healthy eating.  They all work together as a matrix to help you get in shape quickly.

Whether you are trying to find a safe, comfortable and healthy way to lose weight and keep it off for life, or trying to maintain your current weight, and increase your energy level and overall Health, I would like to show you how simple this journey can be. Please use the following link to leave me a comment regarding your needs, and I will get right back with you. “Contact John

Thank you.
John Cardinal

Copyright Healthy Weight Loss for Life 2012

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