June 28, 2012

I’m exercising, but not losing weight. What gives?

I’m exercising, but not losing weight. What gives?

We know, we know. It may sound cruel and unfair, but your work outs alone won’t make you thin.  While exercise burns calories, it has another effect: it stimulates hunger.   That causes us to eat more, which in turn can reverse our weight-loss.

So, that post-work out  white chocolate and raspberry muffin from Starbucks you feel you’ve earned? Well, chances are it’s putting back on what you worked so hard to shed. If you are holding a few extra ponds, it's because your body , for a number of reasons, feels it need that supply of fat. So that food that you consume post work out will tend to go towards replenishing that supply. Exercise, in other words, doesn’t necessarily help us lose weight. It may even make it harder. All is not lost.  I  have a few tips to help transform you into a lean, mean, calorie-burning machine.  (As long as you stand well back from those chocolate muffins, that is…)

1. Eat right
Make sure you have a well-balanced diet. Studies show that people who eat ample fruits and vegetables have smaller waist lines.Cellular Nutrition is the key. cellular nutrition is a three pronged approach to a healthy you. 

1) Consumption: You body needs a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, EFA's ( Essential Fatty Acids), Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and micro-nutrients. 
2) Absorption: The cells in our intestines that break down and absorb all those important nutrients that our body needs are called Villi. Unfortunately over time due to Stress, Poor Nutrition, Yo-yo Dieting and even the common cold, those villi cell tent to swell, curl up or become covered with mucus. There are many product out there that will restore those villi cells, of course I recommend Herbalife's  Cell Activator. This product is all natural and backed by 30+ years of research. I have seen and felt it's benefits.
3) Activation: This is where the right weight loss Program comes in. Consuming the proper nutrition while reducing your cravings for junk food is the key. Having accountability with a weight loss coach and an on line community of like minded individuals makes the process so much more enjoyable. Great Shape Today provides all this and more.
2. Stick to a plan
A training schedule is a simple way to stay motivated to run. You’ll know exactly what you need to do every day and each work out builds on the next, so it’s much harder to skip workouts. A plan can also help avoid an exercise related injury by not increasing your intensity too quickly. Consistency is key.

3.  Up the intensity
You burn about 100 calories for every 15 min. you work out. As intensity increases, so does calorie burning,  up to 10 calories per minute. That might not sound like much, but it all adds up. After a work out, you burn additional calories as your body recovers. There are various studies which back this up. One in particular found that a high intensity session boosted the “after burn” effect by more than double, compared with a low intensity session. Remember that PROTEIN is the key to increased muscle mass. Your body can only consume 30 grams of protein in a three hour period during normal activity. You need to consume 20 grams of protein 20 min. before your work out, and 30 grams post work out.

4. Eat often
It might sound counter-intuitive, but for maximum weight loss aim for two meals of a healthy nutrient rich meal replacement shake, one healthy balanced meal and two snacks between. A study in 2010  involving more than 3,000 people found that those who ate more than three times a day had a lower body mass index, smaller waist-line and drank less alcohol compared to those who limited eating to three times a day or less. Researchers figure that eating often keeps your metabolism humming along and prevents you getting too hungry.

5.   Increase work out duration
It may sound obvious, but it is effective. The more time you add to your work out, the more calories you burn. The relationship between work out duration and calories burned remains the same whether you’re adding 15 minutes to your work out or one hour.  Beware of extending your work outs fast, though. It’s a sure-fire way to get an injury, and that is the last thing we want.

Thank you.
John Cardinal

Copyright Healthy Weight Loss for Life 2012

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